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Super Spars M7+ dominates SOF, Hyeres 470 event

Reminiscent of many recent major 470 regattas, Super Spars M7+ 470 masts once again dominated at the Semaine Olympique Francaise at Hyeres.

Sailing was characterised by very mixed sailing conditions with the full spectrum of light, shifty winds through to high, gusty winds. Super Spars M7+ mast really works consistently well in these kind of conditions evidenced by 1st , 2nd , 3rd in both men's (1st Rogers/Glanfield , 2nd Coster/Coster, 3rd Evans/Burling) and women's (1st Kondo /Kamata, 2nd Rothweiler/Kussatz, 3rd Conti/Micol) 470 events.

Super Spars M7+ mast proves once again to be the choice of champions. Reject the rest - choose the best ! read more 

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